III. Sustainable Economic Opportunity

Sustainable Economic Opportunity

Wealth Creation

GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP), using new estimates from the International Comparison Program, as compiled by the World Bank's World Development Indicators (WDI) 2008.1
Economic growth, measured in terms of annual percentage changes in GDP per capita, using 2008 WDI figures.2
Macoeconomic Stability and Financial Integrity
Annual inflation rates, using data from the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook (April 2008).
Government budget deficits and surpluses as a percentage of GDP, as a percentage of GDP, using data derived from the African Development Bank's Selected Statistics on African Countries 2008.
Reliability of financial institutions, based on "Contract Intensive Money (CIM)," an indicator developed by Clague, Keefer, Knack, and Olsen to measure the extent to which money is held in bank deposits, etc. (suggesting higher reliability), rather than currency (suggesting lower reliability).3 Figures for each country are estimated by us, using data from the IMF's International Financial Statistics.4 (See the detailed definition and explanation in the note on this indicator.)
The overall business environment, using as an indicator the number of days necessary to start a business. Figures are drawn from the World Bank's Doing Business surveys.

The Arteries of Commerce

1. The density of a nation's paved road network per 1,000 people from the International Road Federation, IRF World Road Statistics 2007 (Data 2000 to 2005) (Geneva, 2007) and IRF World Road Statistics 2005 (Data 1999 to 2003) (Geneva, 2005), along with our own Index of African Governance research in each country.
Electricity capacity, measured in terms of total installed capacity per capita (in kilowatts). Data are drawn from the U.S. Energy Information Administration's International Energy Annual 2005, which was released June-October 2007 (the latest available).
Telephone subscribers (fixed/land lines and mobile) per 100 inhabitants, based on estimates from the International Telecommunication Union.
Computer users per 100 inhabitants, based on estimates from the International Telecommunication Union.
Internet users per 100 inhabitants, based on estimates from the International Telecommunication Union.

Environmental Sensitivity

As estimated by the 2008 Environmental Performance Index, developed by Daniel C. Esty, M.A. Levy, C.H. Kim, A. de Sherbinin, T. Srebotnjak, and V. Mara, and published by the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy.5 The EPI is a composite index that assesses performance on two broad goals: (1) reduction of environmental stresses on human health; and (2) promotion of ecosystem vitality and natural resource management. It is based on twenty-five indicators in six policy areas: Environmental Health, Air Quality, Water Resources, Biodiversity and Habitat, Productive Natural Resources, and Climate Change.

Who Is Responsible?

Prime Minster Office no offical website is found
Newaye-Kiristos Gebre-Ab, (photo) Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister with the rank of Minister control, monitor, supervise and run all Ministeries associated with economic matters, in particular the Ministries of Finance, Revenue, Trade and Industry, Transportation, Mines and Energy etc. etc. Sufian Ahmed, Minister Finance and Economic Development,; Melaku Fenta, Minister of Revenue, Girma Biru, Minister of Trade and Industry; Junedi Sado, Minister of Transport and Communications, Alemayehu Tegenu, Minister Mines and Energy; report to Newaye-Kristos Gebre-Ab.

Parliament offical website www.ethiopar.net/

Trade and Industry Affairs Standing Committee
no official website and credential of the officers found

Kebede Abera; (photo) Chairman
Ayele Siyoum; (Photo) Deputy Chairman

Capacity Building Affairs Standing Committee, no official website and credential of officers found

Takel Tessema; (Photo) Chairman
Adulwase Abdulahi; (photo) Deputy Chairman

Rural Development Affairs Standing Committee, no offal website or profile and credential of officers found

Ababi Demisie, (Photo) Chairman
Godi Baykeda, (Photo) Deputy Chairman

Infrastructure Affairs Standing Committee,
no official website or profile and credential of officers found

Wubneh Fmiru; (Photo) Chairman
Ali Mohamed; (Photo) Deputy Chairman


Tefera Deribew; (Photo) Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development, no official website or credential of officers found. e.mail is listed as moav@telecom.net.et from WB African development info

Gerachew Teklemedhin; (photo) Vice Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development

Tekalign Mamo; (photo) Vice Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development

Sufian Ahmed; (photo) Min. of Finance & Economic Development
note: no profile or credential of the Minister was found, link is slow and dysfunctional. no other department official profile are available. noting resembling economic development information is posted on the main page.

Girma Birrue; (Photo) Min. of Trade & Industry, No official website was found
and he is also the Board of Director of Ethiopia electric power corporation

Tefera Walwa; (Photo) Min. of Capacity Building no official website is found but this website talks about some of the mistry activity www.ucbp-ethiopia.com/ it appears the website is run by donors.

Junedin Sado; (Photo) Min. of Science & Technology no official website or credential of the Minster was found, the website is the same as Ethiopian telecommunication corporation www.estc.gov.et/,
Note: it the only Science & technology Minstery with no offcial website of its own.

Deriba Kuma; (Photo) Min. of Transport & Communications www.motac.gov.et/Links.htm no profile of the Minster and his credential was found.
Amare Amsalu; (Photo) Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation, under the Min of transport & communication www.ethionet.et/index.php , no profile and credential of officers was found on the official website.
Asfaw Dingamo; (Photo) Min. of Water Resources www.mowr.gov.et/ no Profile or crdential of the Minster is posted on the offical website.

Kassu Illala; (Photo) Min. of Works & Urban Development, no official website was found, he is also the board of director of the Ethiopian Electric and Power corp.
Some info was found on UNDP project with the Minstry

Ethiopian enivronment protection agency www.epa.gov.et/

Other Agencies

Abi Woldemeskel, (photo) Director-general-Ethiopian Investment Agency
www.ethiomarket.com/eic/ no official website, no profile of the manager[s] or their credentials was found.

note: www.ethiomarket.com/ is a privately register website in the USA that runs the investment agency. No contact number or identifiable person[s] was found. The unknown individual [s] who run the agaency website and how they are given the responsibility of running this very important public agency website where all foreign investors rely on, and their relationship with the Director need further investigation and accountability. It appears a group of rogue individuals are channeling foreign investment inquires with a permision of the officials.

Debretsion G/Michaele (photo) Ethiopian Information and communication Technology Development Agency www.eictda.gov.et/
No name of manager[s] was found The ethiopian Electricity Agency www.ethioelectricagency.org/index.html an agency under the Minstriy of infurastructure.

Dr Eleni Gebre Medhin; (photo) CEO Ethiopian Commodity Exchange www.ecx.com.et/
Note:ECX claimes "a public-private partnership enterprise owned by the goverment of Ethiopia" the Prime Minster oversee the exchange along his minsters. No other sources to verfiy the detail are found at this time.