Foreign Exchange: The Ethiopian regime on the Pursue of Dollar?

Governments in peruse to earn Foreign exchange subsidize the cost of production and services to the benefit of the urban élites, set the stage for official corruption at any cost. We believe that, it is one of the major reasons African countries became a primary commodity exporters on the expenses of the producers and service providers resulting in the long overdue lack of the indigenous economic reform. The following paragraphs argue the problem of government’s subsidizing one area of services at the cost of national long term interest.

As coffee commodity, the celebrated Ethiopian Airline (EAL) is another cash cow for the Ethiopian regime. Since its birth, the EAL like many of the public institutions that generate lots of hard cash has been serving the authoritarian regimes we are fated to be ruled under. If one observes carefully everything the current regime does, be it operating EAL, entreating the donors, export of cash crops, luring the Diaspora for investment or receiving remittance...etc. has been in search of hard currency, but nothing to do with the wellbeing of Ethiopians.

Not long ago, the CEO of the Airline was on the media telling us how he is running the Airlines to profitability…. won award and all. Off-course, he cannot talk about the highly subsidized operational cost of the Airline such as the free rent and airport services. Given Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin of TPLF is his boss as the chairman of the Board of Director of the Airline; the CEO’s comment is not surprising. It would be politically incorrect even may be deadly for the CEO to mention any truth to the operation of the Airline and the subsidy it receive from the government.

What is relevant and out of the ordinary about the Airline is that, even though it provides services to the public; it is owned and highly subsidized by the government without much competition just because it earns hard currency. Furthermore, no one actually knows where the generated revenue goes and who is accountable to the tax payers due to lack of independent oversight.

In terms of revenue, we have been hearing recently the Airline has made record profits. Such report was uttered by the CEO through the government media and by other Medias parroting the same source. Since the CEO is working for the regime and the source of the news is also the regime itself without independent media to verify, it could be a cheery-pick report. Strangely, the supposedly independent press in the country is mimicking the same source without being aware what the source meant by profit.

Here is where it gets humorous; the ‘profitable’ airline practically does not pay rent for the 100s of offices it ‘rents’ in the country. It merely pays a ‘symbolic’ rent for the government run Housing Authority that holds on to thousands of properties confiscated from private citizens during the brutal Derg regime on the bases of Marxist revolution…the exploiters…, Ethiopia Tekdim and all.

We know for fact, there are half a dozen offices in the center of town the Airline rents for less than 1000 birr per month from the Housing Authorities. It is unthinkable in the world of business that, a commercial Airline paying an equivalent of less than 100 us dollar to rent an office space in a commercial district of an urban center anywhere but only in Ethiopia whose slogan is drummed “Abiyotawi democracy…progress…free market and record profits”…,etc. If profit making was so much easy as it is claimed (one can pay practically no rent to run an Airline and claim to make a record profit) then, everyone would have started an airline business. Actually, according to the regime’s law no one can operate an Airline business in Ethiopia but the regime let alone not pay rent.

What is oxymoronic is that, the property the regime holds to subsidize the Airline – not to pay the appropriate rent belongs to someone who probably spent all his/her lifesaving to build it. But the regime feels it can rent it low to an Airline who made millions of dollar (not birr) ‘record’ profits. What is new in “Abiyotawi democracy” and its version of free market is that, it is free market only to the regime and its affiliate.

In terms of others, how many subsidized rent the regime offers to keep its extortion going? We do not know. But we have discovered an owner of a busy café who pays a mere 500 birr rent per month and turn around to built a six story building and rent it for thousands of dollars per month to a foreign entity. That is what the regime calls free market…progresses…growth, etc.

There are also commercial and residential properties the regime rents to ‘selected’ few that pays so little rent. They spent more for electricity than they do for rent. Some people we encounter even fly first class on EAL paying birr to an overseas 'business' conference to lecture about investment opportunities in Ethiopia, and spent more money on a dinner than they do for a government subsidized rent they pay on their residence back home. Such practice is a slap on the face of the original owners, who have been told not to apply to recover their properties by some cooked-up technicalities of the regime’s making.

In such system political cronyism and corruption is a standard procedure to acquire a confiscated commercial and residential properties for dirt cheap rent and lease land for foreign investors for dollar. Even the gullible Diasporas are lured to invest in building their dream homes; justifying their ill deeds as it is good for progress…the ‘economy is growing rapidly…, etc.

For political consumptions, the above situations are hipped up as progressive events by the regime. The fact is, progress itself is a questionable proportion, and the question is who is progressing and at what cost? For example, we know some of the regime’s right hand-men live in the government confiscated villas practically for noting and build a villa of their own and rent it for thousands of dollars for foreigners (not birr). How about the regime affiliated businesses? Do they pay rent? Do they pay taxes? Do they even allow any one to compete with them? Is this Abiyotawi democracy at work? Going back to the EAL profit making, one cannot help but raise the question, why does the Airline get subsidy? This question itself can get one in trouble, but we can assume it is a cash-cow that generates hard currency for the regime.

There is much more about the dollar curse than any one can imagine. For instance, coffee export is one of the main one. Facilitated by the new established Commodity Exchange - the exchange, we were told was “to transform the agriculture market of the country for the benefit of the poor farmers”.

Coffee has always been the #1 foreign exchange earner for the country. The country exports the raw coffee through the many traditional private exporters outside the control of the ruling regimes. In the past the Coffee Board facilitated coffee export and coordinated its effort with the coffee exporter until the new commodity exchange came disguised as an agriculture commodity market reformer; shortly after it went out looking to control coffee and recently sesame seed (more to come) armed by the regime’s proclamation.

Another cash cow for the regime unknown to the average person is Sugar export. The few sugar producing companies still owned by the government has high ranking TPLF’s leader as the Board of Directors of the factories. For example, like the Ethiopian Airline Wonji is under Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin. What is even bizarre is Ethiopians pay an equivalent of five to ten times more for sugar produced in the country than the exported sugar that is sold in the international market for dollar. Accordingly, the regime made it illegal to sell “export designated sugar” in the local market as it is illegal to sell export designated coffee. What it means is dollar is what the regime seeks not birr. Incidentally, many merchants were jailed and lost their commodities for selling ‘export designated sugar’ in the local market in the past, just like coffee traders were not long ago. Thus, smuggling exported sugar back to the country became a profitable venture itself for many merchants because it is illegal to import sugar in the country.

Other areas the regime targets for foreign currency earning are selling Bonds to the Diaspora to ‘provide electricity in the rural Ethiopia’, shutting down independent money transfer services to control Diaspora remittance money transfer, luring Ethiopians in Diaspora to invest in their birth country and offering ‘free land’ to build their dream home, etc. Our ancestor Lucy was not spared too, thanks to the Ethiopian Trade and Investment Council- a peculiar outfit whose primary activity seems touring Lucy, unlike trade promotion as its name and mission implies,

In Ethiopia, everything leads to the appetite of the regime for hard currency regardless of the cost to the Ethiopian people. Even building dams is intended to do with dollar earning like ‘exporting electricity’ to Sudan and Kenya while the population is living in darkness. There is unprecedented compulsion to earn hard currency on the expenses of the indigenous economy.

In conclusion, there is a lesson to be learned by all; in peruse of dollar there is a lots of ill gained wealth through corruption and cronyism by the regime’s affiliates and others. This ill gained wealth must be tracked, confiscated, and returned for the people of Ethiopia. And those who are involved in corruption must be punished and shamed. To accomplish such accountability for the sake of the Ethiopian people; political parties, civic societies, religious institutions and the independent media must create a coalition and establish an institution that demands the rule of law for good governance.

It must be recognized that, the root causes of poverty, underdevelopment and the associated tyranny and absence of freedom are directly related with corruption of officials and business that are sustained by colliding with the officials. Therefore, we urge Ethiopian intellectuals to come forward to lead and challenge their peers who are involved in corruption, and the so called ‘businesses’ who collide with the regime on the expenses of Ethiopians and make them accountable for conspiring to be part of the elaborate crime of corruptions against the Ethiopian people.

Independent media and civic institutions must investigate individuals and their affiliate’s who facilitate corruption and expose the responsible persons. At the Individual level, Ethiopians must demand transparency and make sure not to get involved in corruption for short term benefits. Transparency at all level of governance is a must to free the Ethiopian people, and for good governance to flourish and move forward.

Transparency: Why is the Ethiopian Government Hiding?

There is hardly any government in the world who does not have a website to inform the world about the structure of its government and the activities governing its nation. Unlike such governments, the Ethiopian government lead by TPLF/EPRDF since it came to power over 18 years ago has no website. One wonders why? Is there a need to hide the activities of governance, if so what is it hiding?

For the curious researcher, Google search finds practically no website where one can find any useful information about the Ethiopian government. We found some in few embassies’ websites and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with noting worthy of information. For instance, the Ethiopian Embassy London, lead by Ambassador Berhanu Kebede (Biography)
has a list of the regime's cabinets with no profiles or credential on it's website.

The Ethiopian Embassy in Washington DC,
lead by Ambassador Samuel Assefa; a PHD in Political Science has no information on the Embassy’s website about the government he serves. lead by Seyoum Mesfin (Biography) who oversees all the embassies around the world has no information on its government beside the name list of officials with no profile and credential.

The Supposedly Information Ministry lead by Berket Simon no longer exists and is replaced by Government Communication Agency with no website.

The Ministries in the country and the Embassies around the world have no worthy information on the government they serve in their official website.

The responsible persons failed to demand the regime they serve to be transparent enough to revile basic information on the identity and qualification of who is running the country, and the service they provide for the citizens. Their complicity to be part of the clandestine activity by rendering their professional responsibility useless is pitiful.

The question remains, why does a government who is supposedly responsible for over 80 million people and supported with multiple donors for the good portion of its budget chooses not to have a web portal to tell the world about itself, its policies, and put-out information vital to the citizens and the international community? How is it the loyal Ambassadors and Ministers of the regime choice to get along with out protest or accountability.

When one examines comparable governments in Africa, not only they have a comprehensive information portal to inform and promote their country, they list who is who in government with their credentials. For instance, the
Government of Djibouti with a population of half a million has a comprehensive portal about its government.
The Republic of Kenya has comprehensive government information portal as well as the Kenya Ministry of Information, and various government agencies including Kenyan Investment Authority portal, to mention a few.

It is fair to assume that the ruling regime of Ethiopia monopoly of media infrastructure and suppression of IT technology with the lowest penetration rate in the world are part of a deliberate plan designed to hide its activity and the identity and credential of its cabinet, managers, and operatives. In contrast, the regime has a full service web portal only when it serves its political and economic interest like Ethiopian Commodity Exchange
or Ethiopian Human Right Commission , but block every thing else that expose its dismal record in governance, human right, investment, independent media and civic societies. It is obvious the conspiracy to hide important information to conceal its unqualified officials working for the regime, and to avoid accountability from Ethiopians and the world community.

The question still remains, in a day of information revolution, why is the regime hiding from world and operating in a clandestine fashion by concealing the activity of its governance? And why no one is not making the regime accountable.

Ethiopians and the international community must demand transparency from the regime and its affiliated agencies and require disclosure of the profile and credential of its officials and manager. Furthermore, the willing individuals who serve the regime knowingly conspire to keep the people of Ethiopia in the dark must be identified and be accountable.

Public institutions must be transparent to release all information on their agencies in order to be accountable to the public. Only then, the people of Ethiopia can make the decision of the leadership skills and trustworthiness of leaders to hold public offices.

The culture of authoritarian rule operating in clandestine fashion on the expenses of the people must end. Every Ethiopian must demand open governance and accountability of one and all.

Election: is the National Election Board of Ethiopia impartial and independent?

The regime that claims’ having an ‘independent’ election board is running the nation election to legitimize itself as a winner of the 2005 election and beyond could not be able to have a secure website under their control. The supposedly independent and the decider of the winners and losers of the national election do not run their own website. Instead they passed on this sensitive responsibility to an individual named Atnafseged Mahdere, who run an outfit called Afrolink Studio with an address 4921 Seminary Road Apt1416 City: Alexandria State/Province:VA Postal Code:22311 Country: US Registrant Phone:+1.2404634584 Phone Ext.:Registrant FAX:+1.0 FAX Ext.:Registrant according the Source network solutions.

Afrollink studio is also listed as a web design service located at Comet Building, 4th Floor, 401 (next to Axum Hotel) in Addis Ababa with US representative Atnafseged (Togi) Mahdere Tel. 001-240-463-4584. e-mail: according its website.

No one knows why the most sensitive government run Election Board ‘appointed’ by the Prime Minster with the approval of the ‘parliament’ is runnng its website by an outfit that uses a server outside the country.

“Government should be transparent. Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing.” BARACK OBAMA

The concept of Democracy became a mockery of tyrannical rulers and their apologists. The Ethiopian regime and its intellectuals, who serve in such responsibility, took corruption to a different level. Their concept of Democracy became putting up show by an Election Board for the unsuspecting and gullible international community’s low expectation of African democracy. Noting can exhibit the crudeness of those who are willing to be actors and actresses of the ruling regime charade of election than the
election board members.

In unprecedented submission to tyranny, the so called members of the Ethiopian Election Board were willing to participate in fraud election in 2005 and are preparing for another show 2010 election at the expenses of the rights, freedom and dignity of the Ethiopia people.

They are knowingly and willingly choosing to participate in the day-drama to legitimize a non -existence election to give a stamp of approval for the predetermined winner. In doing so, they are willing to put their moral, credentials and professional ethics on line and sacrifice, the people of Ethiopia, for what ever it worth.

Equally responsible in the history of authoritarian regimes are intellectuals who give cover in the service for a dictatorial governments. Their violation of transparency, accountability, and willingness to compromise their professional ethics continues to be the cause of poor governance in general and human right violations, poverty, corruption…,etc..

In the case of Ethiopia, it is saddening to see a nation with a population of 80 plus million people became a play ground of morally and ethically impaired intellectuals in the service of the ruling regime conducting business as usual without accountability for the people of Ethiopia or anyone else. It also says a lot about the callousness of the international community to look the other way when they help sustain unaccountable regime with a decimal record of election fraud, human right violations, the cause of massive poverty, and corruption.

We cannot help but ask who should be held accountable? According to the National Election Board website run by an outside outfit the following are members of the board listed.

Mr. Kemal Bedri Kelo; Chairman of the board (photo)
Abdella Adem; Member (
Girma Jarso; Member (Photo)
Kebedech Erdachew Mamuye; Member (Photo)
Dr Tadios Munie; Member (photo)
Tesfaye Mengesha Abegaz; Member (Photo)

In a true democratic process – government by the people for the people, having an independent and transparent election board is critical. Therefore, we urge all Ethiopians to hold the election board members and the rubber stamp parliament members who ‘approve them as legitimate and impartial’ accountable for their inactions. Both the election board members and parliament members are conspiring to deprive the people of Ethiopia their right to elect their leaders and live in a democratic country to peruse their lives and liberties under the peoples’ government.

We advise all Ethiopians, to follow-up on individuals who serve and cover for the regime by documenting their misdeeds and corruption, so that they can be accountable in the near future.

Transparent Governance must prevail, and the intellectuals who prevent it must be held accountable in every venue.