Afrollink studio is also listed as a web design service http://afrolinkstudio.com/ located at Comet Building, 4th Floor, 401 (next to Axum Hotel) in Addis Ababa with US representative Atnafseged (Togi) Mahdere Tel. 001-240-463-4584. e-mail: togi@afrolinkstudio.com according its website.
No one knows why the most sensitive government run Election Board ‘appointed’ by the Prime Minster with the approval of the ‘parliament’ is runnng its website by an outfit that uses a server outside the country.
“Government should be transparent. Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing.” BARACK OBAMA
The concept of Democracy became a mockery of tyrannical rulers and their apologists. The Ethiopian regime and its intellectuals, who serve in such responsibility, took corruption to a different level. Their concept of Democracy became putting up show by an Election Board for the unsuspecting and gullible international community’s low expectation of African democracy. Noting can exhibit the crudeness of those who are willing to be actors and actresses of the ruling regime charade of election than the election board members.
In unprecedented submission to tyranny, the so called members of the Ethiopian Election Board were willing to participate in fraud election in 2005 and are preparing for another show 2010 election at the expenses of the rights, freedom and dignity of the Ethiopia people.
They are knowingly and willingly choosing to participate in the day-drama to legitimize a non -existence election to give a stamp of approval for the predetermined winner. In doing so, they are willing to put their moral, credentials and professional ethics on line and sacrifice, the people of Ethiopia, for what ever it worth.
Equally responsible in the history of authoritarian regimes are intellectuals who give cover in the service for a dictatorial governments. Their violation of transparency, accountability, and willingness to compromise their professional ethics continues to be the cause of poor governance in general and human right violations, poverty, corruption…,etc..
In the case of Ethiopia, it is saddening to see a nation with a population of 80 plus million people became a play ground of morally and ethically impaired intellectuals in the service of the ruling regime conducting business as usual without accountability for the people of Ethiopia or anyone else. It also says a lot about the callousness of the international community to look the other way when they help sustain unaccountable regime with a decimal record of election fraud, human right violations, the cause of massive poverty, and corruption.
We cannot help but ask who should be held accountable? According to the National Election Board website run by an outside outfit the following are members of the board listed.
Girma Jarso; Member (Photo)
Kebedech Erdachew Mamuye; Member (Photo)
Dr Tadios Munie; Member (photo)
Tesfaye Mengesha Abegaz; Member (Photo)
In a true democratic process – government by the people for the people, having an independent and transparent election board is critical. Therefore, we urge all Ethiopians to hold the election board members and the rubber stamp parliament members who ‘approve them as legitimate and impartial’ accountable for their inactions. Both the election board members and parliament members are conspiring to deprive the people of Ethiopia their right to elect their leaders and live in a democratic country to peruse their lives and liberties under the peoples’ government.
We advise all Ethiopians, to follow-up on individuals who serve and cover for the regime by documenting their misdeeds and corruption, so that they can be accountable in the near future.
Transparent Governance must prevail, and the intellectuals who prevent it must be held accountable in every venue.
In a true democratic process – government by the people for the people, having an independent and transparent election board is critical. Therefore, we urge all Ethiopians to hold the election board members and the rubber stamp parliament members who ‘approve them as legitimate and impartial’ accountable for their inactions. Both the election board members and parliament members are conspiring to deprive the people of Ethiopia their right to elect their leaders and live in a democratic country to peruse their lives and liberties under the peoples’ government.
We advise all Ethiopians, to follow-up on individuals who serve and cover for the regime by documenting their misdeeds and corruption, so that they can be accountable in the near future.
Transparent Governance must prevail, and the intellectuals who prevent it must be held accountable in every venue.