Advocacy for Ethiopia: The beginning of Transparency and Accountability

Advocacy for Ethiopia (AFE) finally broke the most disabling taboo in Ethiopian governance by instituting accountability on the substance of facts in public forum. AFE established a public forum where people can come and be accountable for their action or inaction.

In the hindsight, Ethio Transparency Watch believes Advocacy Ethiopia made history in Ethiopian governance by setting-up the foundation of transparency and the pillar of independent institution formations. Every well meaning Ethiopian should be grateful and appreciate the individuals who have the insight and the commitment to establish the stage for open public discourse.

There is no wonder the one and only vocal opponents of the forum were none other than the TPLF/EPRDF regime’s cadres and apologist. Transparency is the one and only thing tyranny fears the most, and the one and only thing that free the people of Ethiopia. The sorting-out of who-is-who against or for Ethiopians’ freedom rests on public forums like AFE organized.

AFE broke the secret code that held back Ethiopia as a nation and the people condemned to live under tyranny for centuries. More and frequent forums are badly needed to end the impunity of tyranny soon.

The lack of independent institutions and accountability solely because of tyrannical rulers refusal to allow free expression and assembly, thus the formation of independent institution is the reason for the absence of transparent governance, to persistent poverty and the lack of liberty.

AFE cracked the code, and must continue to lead by example by encouraging more public forums in all sectors (Famine, Human trafficking, Adaption, Corruption, Media, Education, Investment, Civic Society, Health, Environment, Security, and Economic Development to name the few. The organization must encourage advocacy group formation for action in all sectors to make the regime and all accountable.

Ethio-Transparent Governance Watch appreciates Advocacy For Ethiopia and shares its mission. If truth must be told, AFE action is historic; it would not be an exaggerating in our part to say it is the single most important act in the history of Ethiopian governance.

We urge Advocacy for Ethiopia to make one and all political, civic society, community leaders to be accountable for their action and inaction by inviting them in the future forums.